Do you pray when you can’t sleep?
Or perhaps you’re like Oz’s Scarecrow:
“Well, friends,” said the Scarecrow, “we mustn’t stay here in the meadows all night, so let us find a pleasant place to sleep. Not that it matters to me, in the least, for I never sleep; but I know that meat people like to shut their eyes and lie still during the dark hours.” —The Scarecrow of Oz.
I’ve just had another bad night of not sleeping well.It seems to come with my personal territory, and so I’ve come up with a suitable “activity” for the middle of a cold dark night.
You know.
If you’re lying awake at night with nothing better to do, consider turning your heart, mind, soul and (weary) body over to the Creator of the Universe.
Six Things to Pray About in the Middle of the Night
1. The state of your own heart.
It’s often during those late night reviews of my life, that I recognize where I have offended someone or behaved poorly. Sometimes words I’ve spoken have eaten at my soul and the corrosion in my heart causes me to toss and turn. It’s then I need to take the time to review my life, confess my sins, ask forgiveness and release it all to God.
On good nights, confession of sin is all it takes for me to fall back asleep.
I recommend it. 🙂
2. Whoever is lying heavy on your heart.
A friend’s mother is in the ICU; things don’t look good. Maybe I’m the only person awake or available to pray at two o’clock in the morning. I’ve been drafted and I embrace the opportunity.
We’ve got a couple moms getting ready to deliver–babies like to come in the middle of the night– why not include them on the list?
A family member goes into a tricky surgery soon. That’s a given, particularly for the child’s mother.
You probably were awakened for some reason; examine the needs you’ve already been praying about during daylight and hand them over to God.
3. Pray for your family.
Another obvious choice, sometimes sleeplessness comes from worry. Maybe someone you love needs to be forgiven. Or worse, perhaps you need to ask forgiveness of someone. (Don’t wake them up, but discuss it with the Lord and make your confession to the offended person in the morning).
Perhaps you have a wayward child? Maybe your marriage has hit a glitch? Has your father grown impossible? Have you avoided dealing with a family issue?
The Lords speaks to us when we’re available. Maybe the best time to get your attention is when nothing else is clamoring.
4. Pray for those in authority over you.
You know, your parents, your boss, the president of the United States. We’re called to pray for those in authority and the middle of the night is as good a time as any.
5. Things you’re thankful for.
I love the song from “White Christmas” and often sing the lyrics before launching into my list:
“When you’re worried and you can’t sleep, just count your blessings instead of sheep.
And you’ll fall asleep, counting your blessings.”
6. That however much sleep you’ll get, when you wake up in the morning you will be sufficiently rested for the day.
Author Karen Whiting gave me this advice 25 years ago when we were young sleepless moms in a Bible study. I often will say, “Karen’s prayer, please.”
In another Oz book, the Scarecrow and the Sawhorse settled down for the night in the corner where they waited for the living creatures to wake up. I often think of those two when I’m lying in bed waiting for the humans in my house, too, to awaken to dawn.
That assumes, of course, I’m done praying!
Got any tricks to help me fall asleep? 🙂
6 Things to pray about in the middle of the night Click to Tweet
Taking advantage of insomnia and prayer Click to Tweet
Are you in cahoots with my wife? She gave me much the same advice because I’ve been an insomniac for years.
And yes, it works. I still don’t sleep well, but I find this works well enough to get me started off to Sleepyland. Staying in Sleepyland is still a problem, but at least I can get there for long enough to get some rest. Good advice.