“We’ll catch up in eternity.”
I console myself with that idea when I see a particular friend in a crowded arena.
“Kindred spirits are not so scarce as I used to think. It’s splendid to find out there are so many of them in the world,” Anne Shirley mused in Anne of Green Gables
As a result, I wrote a letter to my friend in which I said:
“It’s always seemed to me that we are kindred spirits, and we’re both extremely busy people. I see you across the room and catch your eye. I think of all the things I’d like to say; ways I’d love to commiserate, stories I want to hear. But you’re moving in a different circle with people who need you in a different way.
There’s no time when we’re going about Kingdom business.
I’m just as busy, too, but with a different group that need my particular gifts.
So we recognize we’re kindred spirits, smile, nod, and move along.
While I’d love to know you better, I think, ‘we’ll catch up in eternity.’
Heavenly friends for eternity
I picture myself during those first “ten thousand years bright shining as the sun,” finding a shade tree and sitting down to visit–one by one– with all the people busy going about the Father’s business here on earth now.
We’ll tell the stories of how God worked in our lives. How we saw Him use our feeble efforts to glorify the Lamb.
Some might argue I should take the time now to visit with people I admire and whose company I enjoy.
Yes, on the one hand. No on the other.
God put us in our particular time and place for His purposes. It’s no surprise to God that I was born in Southern California.
He knew me before the day I came into the world. He gave me a set of talents, abilities, problems, family members, experiences, education and thinking skills to do His business.
It took me fifteen years to find Him, but once I made the connection, the Holy Spirit went to work in my life.
God provided mentors along the way. Some I knew and loved: Jean, Liz, and Mary.
Some I knew only through books: Edith, Elisabeth, Biddy and Madeleine.
Perhaps I got a glimpse of this parallel living concept when I wrote a fan letter to Madeleine L’Engle.
Twenty years-old, I had traveled through New York the month before.
“I had time and gave some thought to finding my way up to the library where you worked to visit,” I wrote.
“But then I did not.”
She kindly wrote back: “Next time, do come.”
Astounded, I shook my head. I never would have visited her–because I thought she had more important things to do than chat with a gawky admirer.
I knew a kindred spirit when I saw one. I wouldn’t dream of trespassing on the limited time she had on earth.
But I could follow her ideas. I knew her God. I could listen to Him and pay attention to where He directed my particular gifts and go with it.
I’ll catch up with Madeleine in heaven.
How many kindred spirits?
There are others in my life–far more than I ever would have guessed–than the friend to whom I did not send the above letter (it felt presumptuous).
I cheer them on and pray for them, celebrate their victories, and rest confident I’ll get the details a long time from now.
Until then, I rejoice that I can serve the Lord with Robin, Becky, Mary, Ardys, Mary, Shelly, Holly, Shirley, Nancy, Karen, Debbie, Debby, JoAnne and . . . you get the picture.
Maybe even you. 🙂
How do you define a kindred spirit? What have they brought into your life?
Are Kindred Spirits scarce? Click to Tweet
Who are you looking for in eternity? Click to Tweet
I started to cry at “ten thousand years, bright shining as the sun” and couldn’t finish this…I’ll come and read the rest later. Sniff.
If not, I’ll see you there . . . 🙂
I find that I have only one person that I would call a kindred spirit. We have been separated by miles for more than 20 years. But we call each other either “my kindred spirit sister” or “the sister of my heart.” All of my other friends are close – some closer than others, including my only true sister. I have discovered that, being a military wife, I have made so many friends along the way, and they are close to me for a season before we drift off to the close ties of the next season of our lives. I often have “my best friend from _____ assignment.” I have always liked Michael W. Smith’s song that goes, “Friends are friends forever if the Lord’s the Lord of them. I know that’s the way of it here on my earthly travels, and I will catch up with all of my brothers and sisters in Christ with whom I’ve traveled for a season. 🙂