Research serendipity struck a few years ago when I visited McMinnville, Tennessee.
While on my way to a conference in Indianapolis, I stopped off for several days in Middle Tennessee. I was researching my Civil War project–the one that keeps getting set aside so I can write other things! (I know, I know.)
This research serendipity involved late-night prowling on the Internet, among other things . . .
Several nights before I left, I began to plan what I wanted to see and accomplish during my visit.
Since my Civil War characters honeymoon in McMinnville, Tennessee, I thought I’d drive out there. I could get a feel for the landscape and perhaps view Civil War-era homes.
Visiting McMinnville Civil War Sites?
A well-known Civil War diarist of Middle Tennessee, Lucy Virginia Smith French entertained my characters in McMinnville.
L. Virginia French’s War Journal 1862-1865 details the dinner party she threw and includes a bit of gossip. Her details made a perfect backstory at the very least.
I googled her name and discovered the State of Tennessee placed an historical marker where she lived.
But it’s tricky to track down those things and I couldn’t figure out where it would be.
My directions were sketchy: a few miles outside of McMinnville. I figured I’d just ask when I got there.
As I sped down the lovely road toward town, I hit the brakes hard. There it was!
I got out and took the photo, breathed in the clear air and heard singing insects.
I marveled anyone could live in such September Tennessee heat and humidity–particularly when you had to wear seven petticoats to make your dress stand out properly!
But fun though that “chance” meeting was, it wasn’t the only one.
Monty Wanamaker, painter
In that late night Internet prowl back home near San Francisco, I typed in my word choices and found a painting of Lucy’s house in Google books.
Further research determined the house no longer stood. Fortunately, local artist Monty Wanamaker painted the picture from a photograph.
Wanamaker also painted the house where my couple stayed on their honeymoon. (It was torn down long ago to make way for an addition to the local Church of Christ).
He’s a fine watercolorist. That’s his drawing of Lucy’s house, Forest Home.
So, I had an idea of the house where the dinner took place and I knew the spot.
When I had googled “Civil War in McMinnville,” it advised me to visit a museum downtown, open from 2-4 on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Perfect.
As I drove through tree-covered rolling hills studded with lush farmland. I thought about the drama of early spring 1863 in Middle Tennessee.
Horses were foddered for large distances around McMinnville as the Confederate forces struggled to regain strength. Forces cut down trees and fences to burn for firewood. My character planned a dramatic and big push in the 1864 spring.
When I reached McMinnville, I stopped at the library where the local authority was not in. The librarian suggested I visit the two museums further down the main street.
They were a block apart, so off I went.
Southern Museum and Galleries
The one I had traveled so far to see was closed. Disappointed, I continued down the block to The Southern Museum and Galleries of Photography, Culture, and History.
A nice man behind the counter greeted me. I explained I’d come from San Francisco and told him what I was doing, what I sought, and about finding the marker.
The proprietor said the houses had been torn down long ago. “But I have this calendar with watercolors of what they looked like. We were fortunate to have pictures I could draw from.”
He turned to September, I looked closer and smiled. “Yes. I’ve seen this picture.”
“You have? Where?”
“On the Internet the other night.” I paused. “Wait. Are you Monty Wanamaker?”
He was.
A woman in northern California looks at pictures late one night and three days later steps into a little shop in a small town in Tennessee and meets the artist?
You have to laugh.
I did.
Monty gathered the materials he had on my subjects. We had a spirited conversation.
He showed me his pictures. I bought his book (which he autographed): Images of America: McMinnville.
He gave me permission to use pictures on this blog post. (In the photo on the right, he’s holding the calendar page featuring the honeymoon cottage.)
I enjoyed our conversation very much.
You cannot make up these stories of research surprise. You just have to follow where you’re led and laugh with delight.
Thanks, Monty!
Have you had any fun experiences while doing research?
Research serendipity: You just follow where you’re led and laugh. Click to Tweet
Note: Five years after my visit, I received word Monty died in his McMinnville shop. He was very kind to a California tourist, a lover of his town, its history, and the Civil War.
Monty Wanamaker was also a fine artist.
How fun, Michelle! Did you go by yourself? How about writing a book about Sicily and researching it? I’ll go with you and together we could try to figure out what they’re saying in dialect. I have family in Marsala, Trapani, that’s been after me to come for a visit. I’ll bet we could stay with them. 🙂 Oh, btw, I finished Bridging Two Hearts and loved it!
I’m glad you enjoyed Bridging Two Hearts, Julie.
I was in Tennessee by myself on that end of the trip, but staying with friends in Murfreesboro. My Sicily adventure is probably a long way off–I have a story idea, but it’s historical and I have a lot of other things to write in the meantime! BUT I will be visiting soon with my young friend Hillary who is a missionary in Catania.
Voglio un dia en la futura . . . (Did I say, I hope one day in the future?) 🙂
Ciao, bella!
Not bad, but it sounds like you got a little Spanish mixed in there. Better: Vorrei andarcene un giorno nella futura.
So glad you met Monty. He’s a great artist, historian and friend. I gather you’re writing a novel about Gen. John Hunt Morgan and his bride Mattie. We do a history based show for tour groups at Falcon Rest Mansion in McMinnville called “The Honeymoon Ball of Gen. John Hunt Morgan. See details at It would be fun to compare notes. Let us know when your book is done.
The novel has been on a back burner for a couple years as I’ve worked on publishing projects, but I hope to get back to it within the year. I’ll keep in touch and thanks for your comments!