I came away with gratitude for so much after the Sonoma County Fires.
Our houses did not burn. Thirteen days of evacuation were a small price to pay for that mercy to us.
Many friends, however, did lose their homes and we continue to grieve with them.
We also grieve with people in Butte County and in southern California this 2018 fall as they struggle with loss.
I’m not grateful for everything
I struggle with bitterness and anger that arises when injustice takes place in my community, particularly toward the fire survivors.
But 1 Thessalonians 5:18 in the Bible I study reminds me
“in everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.”
If I turn my attention away from the trials I cannot control and hunt for things to be thankful for, my life goes better.
My attitude also improves which enables me to be more helpful for those who have no control.
It encourages my children to look beyond the challenges for the good.
Mr. Fred Rogers, of course, led the way with his reminder:
“When I was a boy and I would see scary things in the news, my mother would say to me, ‘Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping.'”
That’s a great place to start–for all of us.
We’re always encouraged to express what we’re thankful for during Thanksgiving week.
But I wrote a blog post for the AllMomDoes.com website last week and it expresses what I’ve learned far better than me writing it again.
The eight lessons on gratitude I’ve learned are these:
- Gratitude can sweep away fear.
- Gratitude can soothe emotions.
- Small things are just as important as large.
- Our gratitude can bless others.
- Simple things can bring you to tears of thankfulness.
- People are more important than things.
- “Love you.”
- Count your blessings.
A fuller explanation can be found on the AllMomDoes blog post from November 14, 2018.
Happy Thanksgiving!
Eight lessons on gratitude for Thanksgiving. Click to Tweet
Fire Lessons on gratitude for Thanksgiving. Click to Tweet
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