Why should you attend a spiritual retreat?
If you’re looking to learn things about God and your own relationship to Him, a spiritual retreat can be a help.
Here are five reasons why.
1. A dedicated time away to reflect and listen
Webster’s Dictionary defines a retreat as an
“act or process of withdrawing especially from what is difficult, dangerous, or disagreeable.”
In terms of a spiritual retreat, it’s a time away from the “front lines” of living in the world without
Ideally, retreats serve as a time to ask yourself–and God–questions about your life.
Sometimes we need to get out of our normal activities to make sure they’re what we, and God, really want to do.
2. Quiet and reflection at a spiritual retreat
The most profound retreats I’ve taken were more than 30 years ago at Ender’s Island in Mystic, Connecticut.
I was physically, emotionally, and spiritually exhausted when my wonderful church invited me to a women’s retreat held in that tranquil island in Long Island Sound.
The wise women in my church led the retreat and it involved intense prayer, but also an entire afternoon of silence.
Our leader gave us a question to contemplate and then the admonition to say nothing for five hours.
(It may be the only five hours I said nothing in my entire life).
I walked around the island many times that afternoon, quiet and listening.
I needed solace and silence before returning to life as a stressed mother and leader of our submarine wives.
(Friends took the children one year so I could attend–my husband was out to sea, of course).
It was an important respite. The spiritual retreat helped me recognize what I alone could do and what I needed to let go.
I’ve sought a similar retreat ever since to no avail.
3. Thematic Teaching
Most retreats have a theme and retreat leaders arrange the teachings around that topic.
Our local Christian camp is sponsoring a women’s retreat next week on the subject of “Interrupted: By Design.”
They’ll be examining “what happens when expectations of our future collide with God’s plans.”
This is an opportunity to bring a hurt–perhaps a disappointment with the way your life has gone–into a weekend of exploration with women who understand.
I attended a retreat last month for women who lead. Cheryl Broderson and Sally Lloyd-Jones brought thought-provoking and encouraging messages.
4. Worship at a spiritual retreat
Every retreat I’ve attended features periods of heartfelt worship–usually singing and community prayer.

Joshua told the people, “Consecrate yourselves, for tomorrow the Lord will do amazing things among you.”
Even when you don’t know the songs, you can close your eyes and listen/pray to the lyrics and how they praise God.
The Holy Spirit will interpret your heart to God, anyway.
Because many retreats involve an emotional release, being able to worship God in a group is pure joy.
5 Personal Prayer
Christian retreats are marked by prayer.
The leadership prays long before participants arrive.
They want a retreat to be a true time away from normal life to an opportunity to touch the face of God.
Once at the retreat, opportunities to pray with others are part of the activities.
At last month’s spiritual retreat, I didn’t know a soul.
I signed up, along with many others, for personal prayer.
It was such a blessing to sit down with two women who didn’t know anything about who I am back home.
They laid hands on me and prayed as the Holy Spirit spoke into their soul.
Without any preconceived notions, they had to listen hard to what God was impressing upon them for me.
Their words surprised and yet . . . I could see the applicability to me.
I attended the retreat looking for direction.
Their prayers had something to say.
Afterward, they anointed me with oil.
I haven’t been anointed with oil since Ender’s Island all those years ago.
I’m so thankful I had an opportunity to attend a retreat.
Fun and activities?
Many retreats I’ve attended included fun activities like sports, shopping, manicures, swimming, boating or crafts.
Other than hiking in solitude, I prefer prayer and spiritual conversation during the “down” time.
I don’t attend a retreat to get away from my family or hobbies.
For me, a spiritual retreat is an opportunity to get closer to God.
Silence helps me hear Him better.
What about you?
5 reasons to attend a spiritual retreat. Click to Tweet
Why attend a spiritual retreat? Click to Tweet
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