We know how Mary worshipped God at Advent, but how did Joseph worship God?
The Scriptures tell us he volunteered to quietly “put away” Mary rather than stone her.
That shows us something of his character.
But, would God choose anyone but a good man to foster His son?
Joseph Worship=Responsibility
Matthew’s Gospel begins with Joseph’s genealogy. It demonstrated Joseph came from a long line of men, some good men, some not so good men.
He was a descendent of King David–which was crucial in God’s decision.
A carpenter, Joseph entered a traditional betrothal with Mary.
He undoubtedly swallowed when she came to him with the news she was with child from the Holy Spirit.

The Mérode Altarpiece (Robert Campin, Wikimedia Commons)
But as a “just man,” he resolved to divorce her quietly. He didn’t want to shame her. He didn’t want her stoned to death for adultery.
God, however, sent him a special message in a dream:
Joseph, son of David, do not fear to take Mary as your wife, for that which is conceived in her is from the Holy Spirit. She will bear a son, and you shall call his name Jesus, for he will save his people from their sins.”
Matthew 1:20 (ESV)
He must have known and recognized the Scriptures concerning the Messiah.
Most scholars believe Joseph was dead by the time Jesus grew to adulthood. While Luke’s information about Jesus’ childhood undoubtedly came from Mary, Joseph never provided his point of view.
His actions spoke loudly. He assumed responsibility for Mary and her child–no matter the way Mary became pregnant.
The Bible reports no protest when Mary left Nazareth and headed to Judea to visit her cousin Elizabeth.
Worship = Faith
The Lifelight Foundations Bible study Worship noted, “the chief act of worship is really no act at all; it is a gift of God. It is faith.”
How did Joseph worship God? By acting, time and again, in faith.
By faith, he saddled up his pregnant wife and took her 75-miles from Nazareth to Bethlehem for the census.
What newlywed with a young bride would take her far from her family so close to confinement?
He obeyed the law of the land and traveled with faith God would take care of the situation.
You can almost hear his reasoning–“Well, God is behind this, so we should be okay.”
Responding to God–even at great inconvenience

by George LaTour
(Wikimedia Commons)
In the same way, traveling to Bethlehem was a great inconvenience.
While in appearance, that journey had nothing to do with worshipping God, in reality, it had everything to do with Jesus!
Mary could not have taken the trip alone–why would she?
But, how else could the Messiah be born in Bethlehem?
They surely knew the prophecies.
Perhaps Mary and Joseph both were enthusiastic about the trip, knowing what it meant?
Joseph worship meant acting in faith and great personal inconvenience according to God’s plans.
Did Joseph worship God in the manger?
Years ago, while acting as a birth coach, I ran around the house trying to find my car keys (in my pocket), my packed lunch (in my purse), and, most importantly, my glasses.
They were on my face.
Even though it wasn’t my baby or even the baby of a family member, having to get a laboring woman to the hospital distracted me.

(Wikimedia Commons)
How would Joseph have managed alone, not in a hotel room, no relatives around, and his bride in labor?
Don’t you think he felt stress that night in the manger?
He was the bridegroom and the midwife (mid groom?) that night.
And then in waltzed a group of shepherds claiming to have seen a sky filled with angels.
When they dropped to their knees in front of the baby Jesus, Joseph may very well have joined them.
Joseph worship: loving, protecting, and overseeing–the Son of God
As a good Jewish father, Joseph escorted his wife and newborn son to the temple for circumcision and presented an offering. This was an act of worship.
There, he encountered Simeon and Anna.
An elderly man and an elderly woman approached with tears in their eyes to rejoice over God’s son.
Surely Joseph was pondering things in his heart, just like Mary!
Such bewilderment–to worship a newborn king?
And yet, Simeon declared Jesus “the Lord’s Christ.”
The prophetess Anna took one look and, “she gave thanks to the Lord and spoke of Him to all those who looked for redemption in Jerusalem.”
Joseph worship = action
Joseph didn’t sit around admiring his newborn king/son.

The family may have settled in Bethlehem for a time. They were there when the wise men arrived— more people proving God’s prophesy.
The gifts they gave Jesus probably caused Joseph’s eyes to widen. So much!
And yet, that night in a dream, another angel arrived to direct them on.
Joseph packed up Mary and Jesus the following day and headed west to Egypt. The gifts probably paid for the trip and may have lasted the family for several years.
(A large Jewish community lived in Alexandria, and Egyptian legend has it the family fled to Heliopolis seven miles north of Cairo).
So much happened with this child! Jesus needed a father who acted and did not question supernatural events.
Joseph worship–honoring God
As shown above, Joseph did not hesitate to follow his religion. He married Mary, and he took their child to the temple. He protected his family without question and responded to dreams from God.
We last see Joseph when Jesus was twelve (after his bar mitzvah), and the family traveled to celebrate Passover in Jerusalem.
By that time, the family undoubtedly had other children. Joseph and Mary probably depended on Jesus to do and be everything they needed him to be as the oldest son. Since they traveled with family, they didn’t notice Jesus missing for several days.
But, once they couldn’t find him, Joseph and Mary retraced their route. They found Jesus in the temple, confounding the scholars.
What did Jesus’ parents know?
His mother said to him, “Son, why have you treated us so? Behold, your father and I have been searching for you in great distress.”
And he said to them, “Why were you looking for me? Did you not know that I must be in my Father’s house?”
And they did not understand the saying that he spoke to them. He went down with them and came to Nazareth and was submissive to them
Luke 2:48-50
So, maybe Mary and Joseph didn’t understand, completely, who their son was.
Surely that was for the best?
Rather than worship God by worshipping his son, Joseph chose to love Jesus as his son.
Worship to Joseph at Advent and beyond meant using his faith to care for the charge God specifically gave him to do.
Good advice for all of us.
Did Joseph worship God in the Advent stories of Jesus’ birth? Click to Tweet
How Joseph put action into his worship of God during the Nativity. Click to Tweet
Learned some interesting things here. Thanks, Michelle.