What do you really know?
What Do I Know to Be True?
What do you really know?
History, Real Life, and Faith
in Faith
What do you really know?
in Books· Writing Life
I’m having creativity flashes these days and the timing is not the best. What to do? Here are five things to do when Creativity Flashes strike at an inopportune time. 1. Write them down In my case, it’s the idea for a novel I hadn’t anticipated writing. I’m still not sure I’m going to do so (even though my husband…
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in Bible study· Historical Research· My Utmost for His Highest· Oswald Chambers· Spiritual issues
BTC Missionaries taught by Oswald Chambers filled the last Tuesday of the month posts in 2018. They also captured my interest while I wrote Mrs. Oswald Chambers. They’re at the heart of My Utmost for His Highest–because anyone who follows Jesus Christ is by definition a proclaimer of the Gospel. Many of the readings in My Utmost for His Highest…
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in Historical Research· World War I
The Egyptian Expeditionary Forces (EEF) took Jerusalem on December 11, 1917. Some believe a miracle took place when British General Edmund Allenby marched into the ancient city. Jerusalem’s fall didn’t mark the end of World War I (That happened exactly 11 months later when the armistice was signed). But it helped. The Ottoman Turks no longer dominated the southeastern flanks…
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in Bible study· Research
Another Look at the Advent Stories: a free sample.
in Family Life· Life's challenges
Here’s the annual Christmas letter tutorial! I’ve written about Christmas letters often over the years. They’re one of my favorite parts of Christmas. I’m struggling a little this year and may have to delay sending the letter until New Year’s. We’ve got some significant events to tell our friends and the answer isn’t here yet. In the meantime, I’m circling…
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