Remember the joy of learning to read?
Learning to Read: the World Becomes Knowable!
Remember the joy of learning to read?
History, Real Life, and Faith
in Books· Family Life
Remember the joy of learning to read?
in Biddy Chambers· Historical Research· Oswald Chambers· Traveler's Tales
Tourists would not be the first description that comes to mind about Biddy and Oswald Chambers. Yet, they traveled together often. They went with a purpose and worked, but occasionally took time off for some fun. (The photo in the graphic is the only silly one of Oswald I’ve seen.) Meeting They met on a boat, the SS Baltic, sailing from Liverpool…
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in Books
How a simple children’s book, The Five Little Monkeys, can change a child’s life.
in Biddy Chambers· Family Life· Historical Research· Oswald Chambers
Generous family members contributed to my research for Mrs. Oswald Chambers. posts information from people all over the world. People upload their family histories and share their data, stories, and even photos. Their generosity made this researcher’s tasks much simpler. Uploading a family tree By simply uploading family trees, many genealogists provided me with the information I sought. Knowing a birthdate or…
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in Historical Research· Life's challenges· Traveler's Tales· US Navy
We visited the submarine museum in Pearl Harbor recently. For my young adult daughter, it was fun to see the boats. For me, it was like old home week as I saw many submarines I knew in person, fact and fiction. That’s what happens when you spend 20 years of your life linked to one submarine or another. The World…
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in Biddy Chambers· Historical Research· Writing Life
What happens when a novelist writes a biography? I can’t speak for other biographers or novelists, I can only describe my challenges and joys. Here are four. Stick to the facts, ma’am When I began writing the biography of Mrs. Oswald Chambers, I already had written a novel in which Biddy is a character. My novel A Poppy in Remembrance is…
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