About The Gold Rush Christmas
“The Gold Rush Christmas” a novella in The Pioneer Christmas Collection (Barbour, September 1, 2013, ISBN: 978-1624161902) 60 pages.
It’s also part of The Treasured Christmas Brides. (Barbour, September 1, 2019; ISBN 978-1643521817)
When Samantha and Peter Harris arrange to seek their father in 1897 Alaska, who would guess they’d booked passage on a ship filled with gold-fevered men? Dressing in her twin’s clothing, Sam travels far in search of adventures.
Miles Parker, the boy next door, travels with the Harris twins, hoping to prove his capabilities to Samantha, the woman he loves.
Along the way, the trio find their faith, morals, and ideals challenged by run-ins with prostitutes and con men in Skagway, Alaska.
Eventually, they learn true riches only can be found in ministering best with the gifts God gave them.
“Michelle Ule delivers an interesting and unique story with twins Samantha and Peter Harris travelling to Skagway, Alaska with good friend Miles.
“What sets out as a search for the twins’ father ends up becoming so much more for all three of these `musketeers.’
“This takes place during the 1897 Gold Rush bringing many unsavoury characters to the region; however this story which is based on a true account ends with an extraordinary Christmas inspired conclusion.” ~Amazon reviewer
Inspiration for The Gold Rush Christmas
The Gold Rush Christmas idea came from a trip my family took to Alaska in 1991. We packed up a van full of four boys under eleven, my husband, his father, and me.
That’s right. Six guys and Michelle went camping in Alaska.
Before we left, we poured over information about the state–particularly its history. Since the Alaskan ferry let us off at Skagway in the middle of the night, we knew we’d want to spend the next day exploring the town.
We lived near Seattle that year, and I started the boys at the Gold Rush Museum–part one–in downtown Seattle.
When we got to Skagway a week later, we visited the second half and learned all about the Argonauts and Sourdoughs who swept through Skagway on their way to the Klondike gold fields.
While The Gold Rush Christmas spends time on the ship Alki and in Skagway, my family drove to the Klondike (over White’s Pass, a much simpler trip now) and Dawson Creek.
What a fun adventure, and how our minds filled with stories of derring-do and desperation.
The old boy next door, the story, of course, is familiar, and I wanted to tell a tale where the truly good guy trips and then gets the girl.
Morgan Brooke Hancock suggested the final theme about finding riches in the ministry God gives you, rather than in wealth (or gold, in this case).
Surprising History
As I researched the story, I discovered a fantastic true story about the power of God at work among the prostitutes in Skagway that first year. I framed The Gold Rush Christmas around it.
For good or ill, prostitutes and their lives make up a large part of the Alaskan frontier.
I also realized that a Christmas totem pole would be a fitting reason for a carving missionary father to delay coming home.
I wrote up my ideas of a Christmas totem pole, then looked on the Internet to see if someone had figured out the concept.
Rev. David Fison, a long-time Alaskan pastor, carved one in 1987. I contacted him and he gave me permission to use his totem pole in my story.
Thanks, Rev. Fison!
I wrote about the Christmas totem in a blog post and bought a small copy for myself.
Astonishing story
Honestly, the most surprising story I uncovered in my research was Mollie Walsh and Reverend R. M Dickey’s tale of the Skagway sporting women.
I tell the same story using Miles as the instigator with the steamship captain, whereas in real life, it is Reverend Dickey. But the story is true.
When Mollie Walsh, a petite woman restauranteur in Skagway, saw an old friend from high school in Minneapolis, she was dismayed to discover the woman was a prostitute.
But the woman wanted out of prostitution. When she realized she was dying, she called for Mollie, who brought the local pastor with her.
He read the Bible to her and led her to repentance before her death, as detailed in his book Gold Fever: A Narrative of The Great Klondike Gold Rush, 1897-1899.
Two days later, over the objection of the “good” people of the town who had just built Union Church, Rev. Dickey held the prostitute’s funeral. Most of the prostitutes in town came and sobbed.
Afterwards, Rev. Dickey took a walk and met a steamship captain who volunteered to take any women who wanted to escape back to Seattle.
Fifty women did so.
Mrs. Klocki, my history teacher from long ago, used to say, “I don’t know why you read fiction. History is even more ridiculous and true!”
Blog posts about The Gold Rush Christmas:
Cultural Sensitivity and Fiction
12 Days of Pioneer Christmas: Michelle Ule
Traveler’s Tales: Sailing to Alaska!
12 Days of Pioneer Christmas: Uncommon Romance
You can view more photos on my Gold Rush Christmas Pinterest Board.
Writing Sample
From The Gold Rush Christmas:
Port Orchard, Washington, August 1897
Samantha Harris pushed the heavy golden braid over her shoulder as she tapped shut a red cedar barrel. Soon, all her non-essential possessions would be rolled into the Reverend Parker’s basement for safekeeping.
Peter hustled the barrel to the front door beside the four others they’d spent the last day packing. He nudged her indigo carpet bag. “This ready to go?”
At her nod, Peter piled it with the other luggage under the bay window. His steps sounded hollow in the empty room. They’d sold the furniture and nearly all the household items.
Mrs. Parker sighed as she folded a wedding ring quilt into a crate. “I remember your dear mother stitching the quilts on the veranda. She tucked in a prayer for your future husband and Peter’s future wife into each stitch. I’m sorry she’ll never learn who they are.”
Samantha glanced at her brother.
He grinned. “I’m sure you can find a husband in Alaska territory.”
“I’m hunting for Pa, not a husband.”
“Maybe you’ll find both.” Peter stretched his long arms wide. “Alaska is a land of golden opportunities. Anything is possible. We’re throwing off civilization’s shackles and sailing to a territory of unlimited prospects. We’re off on the adventure I’ve always craved. I’m ready to go.”