Michelle Ule is a native of Southern California who has lived in all four corners of the continental United States and Hawai’i.
Born and raised in San Pedro, California, her melting pot hometown of many languages and cultures well prepared her for a surprising life.
Here’s a list:
- One husband.
- Four children.
- Fourteen moves.
- Eighteen church memberships.
- One New York Times bestseller (A Log Cabin Christmas Collection).
- Authored two biographies (Mrs. Oswald Chambers and Overflowing Faith: Lettie Cowman and Streams in the Desert).
- Thirty-two countries visited on five continents.
- Authored eleven published books.
- Has written more than 1000 blog posts since 2010.
- Readers have come from 185 countries since 2010.
- Forty years of Bible study leadership.
- One English Literature degree (with only four poetry books read since graduating from college).
- No History degree, but she’s read thousands of history books.
- Amateur Genealogist.
- Family writer.
- 20-year Navy wife.
“Tell me a story” has been her question since birth.
Feel free to tell her one yourself.
A short official bio
Michelle Ule is the bestselling author of historical inspirational novellas, a WWI-coming-of-age novel, an essay about My Utmost for His Highest, and a successful blogger since 2010.
She’s also the biographer of both Mrs. Oswald Chambers: The Woman Behind the World’s Bestselling Devotional and Overflowing Faith: Lettie Cowman and Streams in the Desert.
She speaks on Oswald Chambers, My Utmost for His Highest, Lettie Cowman, Biddy Chambers, as well as spiritual issues like prayer, setting up a prayer ministry, and how to be a woman of significance in and for the Kingdom of God.
A more detailed bio
A New York Times and ECPA bestselling author, Michelle Ule lives in northern California.
Michelle is a native of Southern California and holds a degree in English Literature from the University of California, Los Angeles.
A Bible study leader in many ecumenical settings since college, Michelle is an amateur genealogist and likes to travel.
As a writer, Michelle is interested in how people survive difficulties with their spiritual lives intact. She focuses on how to live a hope-filled life in a hostile society.
Michelle relishes history as a result! She’s curious about the whys and hows and likes to add ironic twists to her stories.
She aims to provide readers with a different, more positive way of seeing God and His work.
As well as writing, Michelle speaks on Oswald Chambers, Biddy Chambers, My Utmost for His Highest, Lettie Cowman (author of Streams in the Desert), Prayer, and Devotions.
She has led Bible studies as requested in the Missouri Synod Lutheran Church, as well as in ecumenical church settings.
See her speaker page for further information.
You can review her Amazon Author page here.

Michelle is represented by Janet Kobobel Grant
While she attended church as a child, Michelle gave her heart to the Lord as a teenager. She became a Christian at a Lutheran church emphasizing the need to study the Bible and allow the Holy Spirit to direct your steps.
Married to a naval officer following college graduation, she attended, worshipped, and often taught women’s Bible studies at the following churches, as well as in parachurch situations:
Navy chapels in Orlando, FL; Mare Island, CA and Groton, CT.
Groton Bible Chapel and Ukiah Bible Church.
Bishop Seabury Anglican Church.
Calvary Chapels in California, Washington, and Hawai’i.
Trinity Lutheran Church, Our Savior Lutheran Church, and St. Mark Lutheran Church.
For more detailed information, please see the Media Kit page.
To contact Michelle, click here.
A Personal note: What’s this website about?
I began writing a blog in late 2010 as I prepared to launch my first published work.
I desired to share stories of “God’s fingerprints in everyday life” because that’s how I live.
Nothing amuses me more than to recognize what seemed to be a problem actually was God revealing a truth.
My blog has segued into storytelling, posts about writing and traveling, introductions to writer friends, and adventures in my research, not to mention Bible truths and the crazy serendipities of my everyday life.
In fall 2017, I launched a biography of Mrs. Oswald Chambers. I also published an essay about My Utmost for His Highest in Utmost Ongoing: Reflections on the Legacy of Oswald Chambers.
(Check out my page about Biddy and Oswald Chambers here for more information).
In 2018, I published my long-researched A Poppy in Remembrance, a WWI coming-of-age story that features Biddy and Oswald Chambers as “marquee characters” throughout the story. More information about the book is available here.
June 2023 saw the publication of Overflowing Faith: Lettie Cowman and Streams in the Desert: A Biography.
If you’re curious about my writing style–and amazing research serendipities–sign up for my monthly newsletter.
I relish comments, love to chat, and adore writing my weekly blog.
Join me!
The stories . . . ah, the stories . . . are a joy to live and write about!
Thanks for reading!
How fun! You have a blog! Congrats on the novella. That’s VERY exciting. I look forward to reading here…
Just found your blog and am looking forward to reading more!
Hello Michelle – I am fellow Gordon Setter owner (we actually have two). I found your blog while searching for Cushing Disease in Gordon Setters. We may be facing that diagnosis with our dear Alyxx. So great to read your blog to see how you and your dog have adjusted to her blindness. Is she receiving treatment for the Cushing Disease?
Looking forward to reading more –
Hi MIchelle,
Let a post on your John Wooden blog. Am a missionary in Dublin, Ireland, but was a basketball coach in California for 10 years before the Lord called us to Europe. Grew up in Redondo Beach and went to Whittier College before coaching. Have now lived in Ireland and done church planting the past 30 years. Have a small John Wooden connection that I mention on the blog.
Won by One,
Todd James
Dublin, Ireland
how fun to actually see someone whose comments I have been reading on World mag blog. I have been lurking around there for several years, but mostly only read the rants and raves as our internet here is expensive. I am also from Northern California, Grass Valley. but I currently live in Papua New Guinea where I am a missionary school teacher. Missing the grandkids. Thanks for sharing the link to your blog.
Wow, Jo, thanks for stopping by. You’re the second missionary to Papua, NG, I’ve “spoken” to in three days–I sat next to a former one at a concert Thursday night. Small world!
Hi Michelle,
I found your blog via a google search, and read the February 24th post about souvenirs. My dad is a professional musician, as am I, and he started a tradition of bringing back gifts from the places he visited. I’m still eating the Cadbury’s Flakes he brought back from his last trip to Scotland.
You said that you thought about buying a set of bagpipes. Would you like to learn to play? I teach professionally, via Skype. All you need to get started is a practice chanter, and I’ll throw in the first lesson for free.
How very generous, Sean! Unfortunately, I didn’t buy any and will be sticking with my clarinet playing! Enjoyed hearing them very much, especially at the Tattoo!
Just found ;your blog by searching for Dodson genealogy who ended up in Tennessee. I’m doing this for a friend but I have Bibbs in my line from Virginia to Tennessee. Thanks for your blog.
Michelle, Loved hearing about the charm bracelet and relationships with out siblings! God Bless Kim
I just heard you on Eric Metaxsas radio. Very interesting.
How do I find out about a study group? I live in Houston, Texas, have no family, and have been reading his books faithfully however, sometimes, I do not understand the meaning i.e. today’s reading — 13 December 2018
Thanks, Fran. It’s really fun to hear Eric’s questions and he stimulates conversation so very well!
Anna–I’ve sent you an email. I write an “utmost response” every day on my Michelle Ule, writer Facebook page, where I explain what I think the reading is about.
Thanks Michelle for inviting Helen and myself to your blog. god has bless you and your family for your devotion and writing about the works of god in a truly hostile society in twenty. first century. Thanks for your history of the followers of the word of Our Lord Jesus Christ and their impact on history. Love to you and yours, Dr. John and Helen Shigo February 22, 2020