How a dogtrot cabin the Christian bridge between cultures in 1836 Texas.
“The Dogtrot Christmas” (Barbour, September 2011)
When a conscripted war-weary Tejano returns to the family ranchero in 1836 Texas, he is enraged to discover an Anglo couple has built a dogtrot cabin on his very land. Luis carries many disappointments and horrors but is captivated by Molly Faires’ devotion to her widowed brother and toddler nephew. His past, though, finally finds reconcilliation by the listening ear and forgiving heart of his old tutor, Rev. Thomas Hanks. Christmas provides Luis and Molly and opportunity to find the unity under the roof of Jesus Christ’s posada story.
A Log Cabin Christmas appeared on the October 2, 2011 New York Times best seller’s list.
You can read more about the writing and research for this book, at its own page here.